Transfer Students

students posing together with a hookem horns

Welcome, future Longhorns! We're excited for you to join the Longhorn family.

The next step in your journey is to participate in New Student Orientation, where you'll get academic resources, campus resources and register for classes. It’s all at orientation, and it’s required for incoming students. 

We're looking forward to helping you get in the "Longhorn State of Mind" at New Student Orientation!

Students sitting in an auditorium doing Hookem Horns Sign

Orientation Dates

View the dates for 2025 New Student Orientation

students doing hookem horns walking into orientation with pillows and bags

Register for Orientation

Find out when, where and how to register for an orientation session.

Student grabbing a Tshirt from a table

Costs and Payment

Learn more about costs and payment methods.

students standing together near a pool table


The Schedule at-a-Glance for 2025 New Student Orientation coming soon.

Students posing for a picture in front of a sparkly orange curtain

Pre-Orientation Checklist

Get ready for orientation by completing these steps.

Student writing and decorating a pouch

Post-Orientation Checklist

Follow these steps to get ready for your first semester at UT Austin.

International Students

In addition to orientation, international students (non-U.S. citizens and non-permanent residents) are also required to check-in with Texas Global.

Camp Texas

Each year the Texas Exes transforms the lives of students through experiences like Camp Texas that foster connections with other students, professors, administrators, and UT traditions. .

Downtown Austin Skyline

Experiential Orientation (TEXPO)

Students can choose one of our one-day programs packed with fun and engaging activities to introduce them to the city of Austin and assist with their transition to The University of Texas at Austin. Space is limited. Registration for 2025 TEXPO will begin in the spring.

family posing with the Longhorn State of Mind cutout

Family Orientation

While your student is attending New Student Orientation, it's also your time to get into a Longhorn State of Mind. Family Orientation is a program designed to help our incoming families get acquainted with the University.